BOBBIN Viking Green Plastic Economy
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Bobbins sold individually, please select the quantity desired from the drop down menu above before adding to your cart.
Viking models 205, 210, 215, 217, 225, 230, 250, 310, 315, 320, 325, 330, 335, 340 Prelude, 350, 360 Prelude, 400, 415 Freesia, 425 Freesia, 435 Interlude, 445 Interlude, 500, 530, 535 Lily, 540, 545 Lily, 550, 555 Lily, 600 Rose, 605 Rose, 1140, Angelica, Anna, Daisy, Designer I, Designer II, Designer Diamond, Designer Ruby, Designer SE, Emma, Iris, Juliet, Lena, Lisa, Opal 650, Opal 670, Oscar, Platinum 730, Platinum 750, Platinum 750 Quilt, Platinum 770, Platinum 775, Platinum 950E, Platinum Plus, Quilt Designer II, Opal 650, Opal 670, Romeo, Sapphire 950, Sarah, Scandanavian 200, Scandanavian 300, Topaz 20, Topaz 30, Victoria, Viva, Constitution 200
Outside diameter: 21.6mm
Height: 10.4mm
Axis diameter 5.6mm
Alternative number 4125615-45, 4123078-45, 413182545, 4131825-45